Price To Earnings Ratio -199.74 | Sector PE 62.89 |
PB Ratio 8.91 | Sector PB 14.43 |
EPS -5.48 | Dividend Yield 0.40 |
Today's Volume 444.444 K | 5 Day Avg. Volume 971.810 K |
PEG Ratio 1.50 | Market Cap. ₹ 1,10,000.00 Cr. |
Godrej Consumer Products Limited is a fast growing consumer products company in India. The company's field of activity is the production and distribution of personal, home and hair care products. Its geographic segments include India, Indonesia, Africa and others. Its personal hygiene products include Saniter, Cinthol, PAMELAGRANT Beauty, Villeneuve, Millefiori, mitu, purest hygiene and Its home care brands include Good Knight, HIT, Oar, Stella and Ezee. Its hair care brands include DARLING, INECTO, PROFECTIV Mega Growth, Ilcit, ISSUE, nupur, PROFESSIONAL, tcb naturals, renew, Just for Me, ROBY, AFRiCAN PRIDE and nyu. It offers a range of products in India that include household insecticides, air fresheners, hair dyes and soap. Its subsidiaries include Godrej Household Products (Lanka) Pvt. Ltd, Godrej South Africa Proprietary Ltd, Beleza Mozambique LDA, Cosmetica Nacional, Godrej Africa Holdings Limited, Godrej East Africa Holdings Ltd and Deciral SA.